"Kwa Geok Choo": a play by Ovidia Yu, by Toy Factory
Part of the play and theatre-watching diaries. :)
I watched “Kwa Geok Choo”, a play by Ovidia Yu that was put up by Toy Factory yesterday. I almost completely forgot that I had bought a ticket to this play! It was a calendar notification and a well-positioned and available taxi that allowed me to make it on time to Victoria theatre to catch the play. :D
Do you know who was Kwa Geok Choo? She was the late Mrs Lee Kuan Yew.
I reflected a little of what I thought about the story on Instagram, so I’ll reflect on some of the staging elements in this post instead.
There was really lovely translucent set pieces reminiscent of the columns and pillars of colonial Parliament architecture. These set pieces could move from left to right, and could be lifted up and away when more space was needed on stage.
There were 3 ensemble actors and characters. They had wonderful elocution. One managed Mr Lee’s spoken accent really well. 2 out of 3 ensemble actors had gravitas and immense stage presence.
I think the physicality of all the characters matched that required of this staging. The gestures were simple and realistic, but also nuanced.
Tan Rui Shan performed the varying ages of Mdm Kwa well. Her posture changed throughout the play. Her expression of fear and grief was poignantly and movingly portrayed.
I’m glad I made the choice to watch this play. I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would. It was both artistic and compelling.